2-2-15 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-kuTokyo 1400004JapanP +81 3 3472-6963www.tecnisco.co.jp/en/ Продукты и услуги 5.4 Contract production Применение Precision Mechanics
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Hangzhou Techwin Precision Instrument Co., Ltd.
8th Floor, Unit A, Block 2, No. 206 Zhenhua Road31003 HangzhouChinaP +86 571 88284299F +86 571 85121892www.techwin-china.com Продукты и услуги 1.4.4 Pulsed
TEC Microsystems GmbH
Schwarzschildstrasse 812489 BerlinGermanyP +49 30 678933-14F +49 30 678933-15www.tec-microsystems.com Продукты и услуги 1.7.10 Laser components, other 1.15.12 Opto-electronic components, other Cooling
technotrans AG
Robert-Linnemann-Str. 1748336 SassenbergGermanyP +49 2583 301-1000F +49 2583 301-1030www.technotrans.de Продукты и услуги 1.6.8 System components, other 5.5 System consultants 6.3 Systems for
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf Technologie Campus Teisnach
Technologiecampus 194244 TeisnachGermanyP +49 9923 8045-418F +49 9923 8045-421www.th-deg.de Продукты и услуги 2.4.2 Aspherical lenses 4.3.3 Spherometers 4.3.5 Auto collimators 4.3.7 Alignment
Technohands Corp.
6-29-34-103 Ookurayama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shiKanagawa-ken 222-0037JapanP +81 45 547-6971F +81 45 547-6976www.technohands.co.jp Продукты и услуги 4.1.1 Laser beam analysis systems Применение Precision Mechanics
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Kompetenzzentrum OTS
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 1361169 FriedbergGermanyP +49 6031 604-214F +49 6031 604-2082www.thm.de/ots Продукты и услуги 5.1 Application development and application labs Применение
Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik
Straße des 17. Juni 13510623 BerlinGermanyP +49 30 44720244F +49 30 44720288www.tu-berlin.de Продукты и услуги 5.13 Research and development Применение Research and
Technica Optical Components LLC
3657 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 10AAtlanta, GA 30319USAP +1 404 326-3469F +1 775 420-4683www.technicasa.com Продукты и услуги 1.7.10 Laser components, other 2.3.7
tec5 AG Technology for Spectroscopy
In der Au 2761440 OberurselGermanyP +49 6171 9758-0F +49 6171 9758-50www.tec5.com Продукты и услуги 4.2.7 Spectrometers 4.2.12 Opto-electronic measuring and analysis systems,