Leiferder Weg 44a38122 BraunschweigGermanyP +49 531 2379497F +49 531 2379601www.optik-plus.de Продукты и услуги 2.3.1 Linear plates 2.3.3 Optical prisms 2.3.4 Optical mirrors
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OptiGrate Corp.
562 South Econ CircleOviedo, FL 32765USAP +1 407 5427704F +1 407 5427804www.optigrate.com Продукты и услуги 2.3.7 Optical filters Применение Research and Science
optics.org The business of photonics
2 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd PengamCardiff CF24 2SAGreat BritainP +44 117 9055330F +44 117 9055331www.optics.org Продукты и услуги 5.19 Services, other Применение Show
Optics Balzers AG
Neugrüt 359496 BalzersLiechtensteinP +423 388 9200F +423 388 9390www.opticsbalzers.com Продукты и услуги 1.7.7 Mirrors 2.3.3 Optical prisms 2.3.4 Optical mirrors 2.3.5 Beam
De Boelelaan 10811081 HV AmsterdamThe NetherlandsP +31 205 988326www.optics11.com Продукты и услуги 4.2.4 Optical multi-channel analyzers Применение Sensor Technology
Optic Lines Co., Ltd.
21, Saryeom-ro 31 Beon-gil, Seo-guIncheon 22743South KoreaP +82 32 347-0745F +82 32 567-2718www.opticlines.com Продукты и услуги 2.4.1 Spherical lenses Применение Imaging and
Industrie Park OPTICOELECTRON4500 PanagyuristeBulgariaP +359 357 641-83F +359 357 641-15www.opticoel.com Продукты и услуги 1.17.2 Optical mounts 2.4.1 Spherical lenses 3.4.13 Coatings, other
Optical Surfaces Ltd.
Godstone Road, KenleySurrey CR8 5AAGreat BritainP +44 20 8668-6126F +44 20 8660-7743www.optisurf.com Продукты и услуги 2.3.4 Optical mirrors Применение Aviation and Aerospace
Optical Film Technology Co., Ltd.
No. 260 Lvliangshan Road Science and Technology City215153 Suzhou ProvinceChinaP +86 512 68124886www.optifilter.com Продукты и услуги 2.3.9 Optical windows Применение Sensor
Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & Messtechnik
Bahnhofstr. 522941 BargteheideGermanyP +49 4532 2044-100F +49 4532 2044-25www.opternus.de Продукты и услуги 1.2.4 CO₂ lasers 2.6.5 Optical signal transmission systems, other 9.1.12