Kaiserstraße 10052134 HerzogenrathGermanyP +49 2407 55505-20F +49 2407 55505-55www.lunovu.com Продукты и услуги Systems for laser metal deposition — LMD Применение Materials
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Luoyang Dingming Optical Technology Co., Ltd.
No. 1 Yuxing Road, Yingzhuang Industrial Park, Henan471000 LuoyangChinaP +86 379 62110001F +86 379 62112223www.dm-optical.com Продукты и услуги 1.15.6 IR components Применение
Lumics GmbH
Schwarze-Pumpe-Weg 1612681 BerlinGermanyP +49 30 912074400F +49 30 912074426www.lumics.com Продукты и услуги 1.3.2 High-power diode lasers 1.3.3 Diode laser modules Применение Aviation
400 N. McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035USAP +1 408 546-5483www.lumentum.com Продукты и услуги 1.1.10 Diode-pumped solid-state lasers 1.1.11 Solid-state lasers, other 1.2.6
Lumentron Inc.
Engineering Center Suite 109, Shinseon-ro 365 Yongdang Campus, Pukyong UniversityBusan 48547South KoreaP +82 10 40378950F +82 31 3458951www.lumentron.com Продукты и услуги 1.4.2
Lumatec GmbH
Linienstr. 9-1382041 OberhachingGermanyP +49 89 7428220F +49 89 74282264www.lumatec.de Продукты и услуги 1.6.1 Beam guidance systems 9.1.2 Fiber optic cables UV/VIS
Lumenera Corp.
7 Capella CourtOttawa, ON K2E 8A7CanadaP +1 613 736-4077F +1 613 736-4071www.lumenera.com Продукты и услуги 11.1.8 CCD and CMOS sensors and cameras
Luceo Co., Ltd.
30-9 Ohyamakanai-cho, Itabashi-kuTokyo 1730024JapanP +81 3 39564111F +81 3 39562335www.luceo.co.jp Продукты и услуги 4.2.5 Polarization analyzers Применение Imaging and machine vision
LT Ultra Precision Technology GmbH
Wiesenstr. 9, Aftholderberg88634 Herdwangen-Sch?nachGermanyP +49 7552 40599-0F +49 7552 40599-50www.lt-ultra.com Продукты и услуги 1.6.1 Beam guidance systems 3.2.4 Metal optics 3.2.5 Ultra-precision
LTB Lasertechnik in Berlin GmbH
Am Studio 2c12489 BerlinGermanyP +49 30 912075-100F +49 30 912075-199www.ltb-berlin.de Продукты и услуги 1.2.3 N₂ lasers 1.5.1 Dye lasers 4.1.5 Wavelength 4.1.9