2 rue Paul Sabatier22300 LannionFranceP +33 29 6050-800F +33 29 6050-801www.keopsys.com Продукты и услуги 1.4.1 Erbium fibre lasers 1.4.2 Ytterbium fibre lasers
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Kentek Corporation
32 BroadwayPittsfield, NH 03263USAP +1 603 223-4900F +1 603 435-7441www.kenteklaserstore.com Продукты и услуги 1.8.4 Laser safety shields/screens and curtains Применение Security Engineering
Kelvin Nanotechnology Limited
Rankine Building, Oakfield AvenueGlasgow G12 8LTGreat BritainP +44 141 3304869www.kelvinnanotechnology.com Продукты и услуги Применение Semiconductor Industry
kdg opticomp GmbH
Elbigenalp 916652 ElbigenalpAustriaP +43 5634 500-700www.kdg-opticomp.com Продукты и услуги 2.3.8 Micro-optical components Reflection gratings 3.1.11 Injection moulding and embossing technology
Mellumstr. 23-2526125 OldenburgGermanyP +49 441 30099-0F +49 441 30099-99www.jutec.com Продукты и услуги 1.8.3 Laser safety gloves and clothing 1.8.4 Laser safety shields/screens
Jüke Systemtechnik GmbH
Trumpenstiege 248341 AltenbergeGermanyP +49 2505 87-0F +49 2505 87-800www.jueke.de Продукты и услуги 1.17.9 Optical mechanics, other 4.4.4 Environmental measurement and analysis systems
Jonas & Redmann
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 11310553 BerlinGermanyP +49 30 230866-0F +49 30 230866-5099www.jonas-redmann.com Продукты и услуги 7.1.8 Surface processing systems Применение Automotive
Jordan Optical Engineering GmbH
Scheffelweg 2177830 BühlertalGermanyP +49 7223 9539300F +49 7223 9539306www.jordan-oe.com Продукты и услуги 5.2 Optical design and engineering services Применение Sensor Technology
Career Center
www.world-of-photonics.com/messe/events/career-center Продукты и услуги Применение
JML Optical Industries, Inc.
820 Linden AveRochester, NY 14625USAP +1 585 248-8900F +1 585 248-8924www.jmloptical.com Продукты и услуги 2.4.1 Spherical lenses Применение