Kieler Str. 212, 2. OG
22525 Hamburg
P +49 40 8539970
F +49 40 85399779
22525 Hamburg
P +49 40 8539970
F +49 40 85399779
Продукты и услуги
- 1.2.1 He Lasers
- 1.3.3 Diode laser modules
- 1.6.2 Beam distribution and extensions
- 1.16.3 Optical isolators
- 1.17.9 Optical mechanics, other
- 2.6.1 Optical fibers
- 2.6.4 Fiber couplers
- 4.2.5 Polarization analyzers
- 6.9 Systems for biophotonics, life sciences and pharma
- 6.10 Systems for research and science
- 6.14 Systems for solar production
- 9.1.2 Fiber optic cables
- 9.4.7 Polarimeters
- 11.1.2 CCD line-scan cameras
- 11.1.7 Special cameras for science and industry
- 11.2.8 Surface inspection systems and texture analysis
- 11.2.11 Quality control
- 11.3.3 Image processing systems
- Medical Engineering / Biotechnology
- Photovoltaics / Energy Engineering
- Research and Science
- Sensor Technology