7845 E. Paradise LaneScottsdale, AZ 85260USAP +1 480 483-1214F +1 480 483-5620www.ulsinc.com Продукты и услуги 1.2.4 CO₂ lasers 7.2.15 Control electronics Применение
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United Lens Company, Inc.
259 Worcester StreetSouthbridge, MA 01550USAP +1 508 765-5421F +1 508 765-0500www.unitedlens.com Продукты и услуги 1.7.10 Laser components, other Применение Jobshop
Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd.
No. 598 Fanhua Avenue, Feixi District230031 Hefei, AnhuiChinaP +86 157 21263372www.unioriental.com Продукты и услуги Применение
UNI Optics Co., Ltd.
Building 3, No. 7, Jinzhou North Road, Jinshan Industrial Zone, Cangshan Dist.350002 FuzhouChinaP +86 591 8639-5085F +86 591 8639-5831www.uni-optics.com Продукты и услуги
Union Optic, Inc.
Building 19, Bio Accelerator, No. 388, 2nd Hi-Tech Road, East-Lake Hi-Tech Zone430075 WuhanChinaP +86 27 87531505F +86 27 87531525www.u-optic.com Продукты и услуги
UniKLasers Ltd
Units 4 & 5, Bavelaw Business Centre, 46A Bavelaw RoadEdinburgh EH14 7AEGreat BritainP +44 131 2812778www.uniklasers.com Продукты и услуги 1.1.4 Nd:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik LS Relativistische Laserphysik
Max-Wien-Platz 107743 JenaGermanyP +49 3641 47280F +49 3641 47282www.rlp-ioq.uni-jena.de Продукты и услуги 1.6.8 System components, other Применение Research and Science
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik Lehrstuhl Nichtlineare Optik
Max-Wien-Platz 107743 JenaGermanyP +49 3641 947201F +49 3641 947202www.physik2.uni-jena.de/inst/nlo//start.html Продукты и услуги 5.13 Research and development Применение Research and Science
Unice E-O Services Inc.
No. 5, Andong Rd.Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, 320TaiwanP +886 3 4626569F +886 3 4625586www.unice-eo.com Продукты и услуги 1.17.6 Positioners Применение Research and
Umicore Thin Film Products AG
Alte Landstrasse 8 Postfach 3649496 BalzersLiechtensteinP +423 388 7300F +423 388 7450www.thinfilmproducts.umicore.com Продукты и услуги 2.1.7 Raw materials, other 3.2.1 Vaporization technology